The Certificate of Electrician (or PPC certificate or responsible statement of an electrician which is exactly the same, just with different names), is the document that certifies the suitability of electrical installations for the space for which it is issued since 2011 according to the law of each building is obliged to have it.
Our office undertakes the issuance of certificates – PPC plans for homes and businesses (stores, offices, etc.) in order to:
• Change username
• Change of space use
• Reconnect – new connection
• Increased supply power
• Inclusion in the social household tariff of PPC
The certificate is issued in printed form and includes:
• Responsible Statement of Licensed Electrician Installer.
• Electrical Installation Delivery Report.
• Electrical Installation Control Protocol according to ELOT HD 384 or KEEE.
• Monogrammed drawing of the electrical panel of the installation.
• Installation plan and location of switches, luminaires, sockets, panels, etc.
• The floor plan of the electrical installation with the loads and operating points that make it up.
• Analysis of the installation.
• Signature and seal of the licensed electrician.
According to the existing legislation (Law 4483/65), it is mandatory to re-inspect the internal electrical installations by licensed electricians, who issue a relevant Responsible Statement submitted to HEDNO SA.
The re-audit is carried out at regular intervals, which are defined in article 5 of the Decision Φ.7.5 / 1816/88 / 27.02.04 of the Deputy Minister of Development published in the Government Gazette 470 / 05.03.2004. Indicatively, we mention that in the residences the re-inspection must be carried out at least every 14 years, while in the professional spaces (without flammable materials) every 7 years.